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BQ25703A: bq25703A / SYSOVP threshold can be adjusted?

Part Number: BQ25703A


I know that the SYSOVP is set automatically depend on cell count setting. But not I'd like to know if we can adjust it by user. Actually now my customer want to set it to 10V at 2 cell configuration.

Best Regards,

Satoshi / Japan Disty

  • Hi Satoshi,

    The bq25703A SYSOVP is fixed as 1s-5V, 2s-12V, 3s and 4s-19.5V. It is not programmable.

    Yipeng Su

  • Hi Yipeng,

    I understand that SYSOVP can't be adjusted, but can you change this fixed value by changing metal as custom part? I know that this should be based on business case, but let me ask the possibility. Now I'm discussing with major customer and they hope to set SYSOVP for 2s below 10V because the system load has the rating only up to 10V.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Satoshi,

    We would like to suggest customers to implement the lower SYSOVP with the bq25703A independent comparator.

    • tie the independent comparator output to bq25703A ILIM_HIZ pin.
    • use a voltage divider connect VSYS and the independent comparator input.
    • design the voltage voltage divider ratio properly according to the desired SYSOVP threshold and the independent comparator threshold.
    • configure the independent comparator so that its output is low to set the charger into HIZ mode when SYSOVP is tripped.

    The only differences between this implementation and the normal SYSOVP are

    • The charger is not latched off, when Vsys is back to normal level, the charger start working again.
    • No status bit to report the fault.



  • Hi Yipeng,

    Thank you for suggesting new idea by using independent comparator. I'll show customer this solution.

    Best Regards,