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bqfs Programming bq27510-g2 with Manufacturer Block Info

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ27510-G2

Hi All,

We were able to program bq27510-g2 using bqfs(generated from dfi+senc+flashstream) and our custom USB to I2C. The team is confident that the programming method and  the custom USB to I2C are fully functional.

In addition, additional information needs to be appended in the golden image, specifically in the Manufacturer Block. We added this using the EV2300 and bq EVSW. The end result is the updated senc file.

We had programmed the FG using the senc file in bq EVSW and the Manufacturer Block is populated. Everything is good so far.

Using the FlashStream, we generated  bqfs and dffs with psize:32.

Going back to our custom USB to I2C, we programmed the Fuel Gauge with the newly generated bqfs. Upon Reading the Data Flash, the FG had the characteristics of the DFI however, the Manufacturer Block were empty.

Is there a workaround this? How can we program using the bqfs and at the same time ensure the integrity of the Manufacturer Block is sustained?



  • Hi Kat,

    I'm glad you got the programming working.  Was there a gotcha that you fixed that might be helpful if others knew about?

    It sounds like you are doing everything properly, and the Mfg Info Block should also have been updated.  However, let me confirm my understanding of your procedure.

    1. Program original golden file into IC
    2. Use EVSW to change values in the Mfg Info Block in dataflash. 
    3. Extract SENC file using I2C Pro plugin.
    4. Test SENC file by programming it into another IC.  Confirm Mfg Info Block and all DF values are as expected.
    5. Use Flashstream to convert SENC file to bqfs/dffs.  (Do not use any DFI file.  Only SENC file is needed.)
    6. Program bqfs file into another IC.  Confirm Mfg Info Block and all DF values are as expected.

    So it sounds like on step 6 you find the Mfg Info Block values were blank and not as you expected.  If this is true, I can't think of a reason they would not be included since there is nothing special about the Mfg Info Block dataflash as compared to the rest of the DF.  Please confirm you did the steps exactly as I mentioned and if it still doesn't work we will have to look for more clues.

  • dmax,

    The steps you had enumerated were correct. In generating the bqfs and dffs, I added the following commands:

    -psize:32 -keepdf

    This synced the number of bytes(32) set in our custom USB to I2C module which had resolved the Compare Data Error.

    By adding -keepdf, the Manufacturer Block was retained.

