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BQ34Z100 chip revision

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ34Z100, BQ34Z100-G1


I would like to know is there any chip revision for BQ34Z100 recently?  If there is what are the updates implemented?

We have seen SOC jumping issue in our previous test and been informed there is issue with the chip setting which will be fixed in next release.

Appreciate if anyone could provide the information.


  • The next generation device, the bq34z100-G1, is scheduled to be released in February. It does have features that help with SOC jumps when you have transient loads.
  • Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the prompt reply. Have some questions on the operating mode for bq34z100. The datasheet saying measurement will be taken periodically while bq is in sleep mode, but I couldn't find the wake up interval. Similarly for fullsleep mode.

    Can I know the wake up interval for measurement taking in both sleep mode and fullsleep mode?

    Is it possible to disable periodic wakeup to let the chip stays in sleep until there is communication present?

    Also is Alert able to functioning in these two modes?


  • The device will check the current, temperature and voltage every 20 seconds when in Sleep and Fullsleep modes. You cannot disable measurements during Sleep and Fullsleep. The Alert feature should still work in these modes.
  • Hi Tom,

    I am testing a condition where after BQ enters sleep (current close to 0A), an external MCU will be communicating with it at every 20ms to get the data. Therefore BQ should
    be woken up constantly and go back to sleep after communication halted. From oscilloscope, I see VEN pin goes high at every 20s which causes the read value not updated frequently. Is this an expected behaviour?
    For you information, I have enabled sleep bit, set Iwake
    ,RSN0 and RSNS1 to 0, sleep current to 10mA and time to enter full sleep to 5s.
  • Sleep mode on the bq34z100 is different from the other multi-cell devices. You can have I2C communications in Sleep mode. You just cannot have current flow. You cannot have I2C communications in Fullsleep mode. The V,T,I measurements are at a 20s rate in Sleep and Fullsleep modes.

  • Hi Tom,

    Thanks. Can I know in more detail on Vth(srp-srn) under Power Control -> Wake up comparator? What will happen if we disable Vth by setting Iwake, RSN0 and RSNS1 to 0? Our initial setting is Iwake = 0, RSN0 = 1 and RSNS1 = 0 but I notice VEN goes high at every 2s when current read goes below the threshold current which seems to be abnormal.

  • The Wake feature should disabled, if you set all three bits to 0. You should see VEN pulse every 20s, if the device enters Sleep mode.