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bq40z50-R1 and BQPRODUCTION

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ40Z50, BQ40Z50-R1, BQPRODUCTION, BQSTUDIO

The BQPRODUCTION software has a "container" for the bq40z50; do I need a different one for the bq40z50-R1?



  • Hi Larry,

    I have attached the container for the R1 variant. You can place this file in (C:\ti\bqProduction\config)



  • Hello Justin,

    I am successful using the 4500_1_06-bq40z50R1.bqz container to program/calibrate bq40z50 chips that are upgraded to R1 firmware.

    However, I have a large stock of finished boards with chips that have the standard firmware (pre-R1).

    If I try to use the 4500_1_06-bq40z50R1.bqz container to write my R1 .senc file, I get the following error: Target device version returned does not match the target bqz : Failed

    If I try to use the 4500_0_12-bq40z50.bqz container to write my R1 .senc file, I get the following error: An entry(class/subclass/parameter) is missing in TesterInfo.xml in the bqz : Failed

    Any help?
  • Further testing reveals the second error only occurs if the first error is created.  In other words, if use the 4500_0_12-bq40z50.bqz container to write my R1 .senc file to a "fresh" board it appears to be successful without errors.

    However, I know that the R1 firmware was written to correct some stack overflow issues. Is there any concern about the bqProduction software writing calibration data to what it thinks is a bq40z50 when at that point in the test it is now a bq40z50R1?

  • Larry,

    The version of FW that exists on the device must exactly match the bqzContainer in use. If you have an R1 bqz selected and bq40z50v0.12 device connected it will display the mismatched version message.

  • Larry,

    If you do use the wrong firmware with a newer bqz, it can cause a problem because the address map in the bqz does not match the FW. For example, if you are writing a serial number, it may be written to the wrong area. If they need to update FW, you should use bqupdater and update first to R1, then use bqStudio with the R1 bqz. bqProduction is not intended to update FW.
