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BQ30Z55/bq40z50 Charge Managment

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ30Z55, BQ40Z50

We're using the BQ30Z55 in 2S configuration for an application. According to datasheet, and the chip's response to BatteryMode() (0x03) SmartBattery Spec message, it has an internal charge controller. 

How would we take advantage of this? Do we simply enable the bit when we want to charge the pack, and then provide 8.4V at battery terminals and the chip takes care of CC/CV charging?

Given that bq40z50 supports the same feature in the datasheet, my question would apply to both.

  • Hi, I apologize that no one has followed up with your question posted last year due to the large number of questions we got towards the end of 2016, please feel free to post a brand new question should you still need an answer instead of replying to this post. We will do our very best to respond in a timely manner to any new post you might have :-)
    Best Regards,