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BQ27421-G1: BQ27421-G1A: the warning messages in bqStudio

Part Number: BQ27421-G1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO,

About the TI BQ27421-G1A gauge IC on the PCB.A, we generated the golden image (*.gm.fs) based on the *.gg file with bqStudio.

1) When we import the *.gg file, the bqStudio displayed the warning messages in 2 dialog boxes.

1-1) Are the warning messages in the 2 dialog boxes OK?
1-1-1) Can we ignore the warning messages in the 2 dialog boxes and generate the golden image?

1-2) About the content of the *.gg file, please refer as follows:

GaugeStudio Version =
DeviceName = bq27421-G1A 1.09
Time = 11/10/2016 9:49:06 AM

Over Temp = 45.0
Under Temp = 0.0
Temp Hys = 5.0

[Charge Termination(Configuration)]
Min Taper Capacity = 25
Current Taper Window = 40
TCA Set % = 99
TCA Clear % = 95
FC Set % = -1
FC Clear % = 98
DODatEOC Delta T = 5.0

Initial Standby = -5
Initial MaxLoad = -2000

SOC1 Set Threshold = 10
SOC1 Clear Threshold = 15
SOCF Set Threshold = 2
SOCF Clear Threshold = 5

OpConfig = 0DF9
OpConfigB = 0F
DF Version = 0

Hibernate I = 3
Hibernate V = 2500
FS Wait = 1

[IT Cfg(Gas Gauging)]
Sec. Relax Time = 30
Average Time = 8
Min DOD Res Update = 70
Max Res Factor = 20
Min Res Factor = 5
Ra Filter = 800
Max V Delta = 10
Fast Qmax Start DOD % = 92
Fast Qmax End DOD % = 96
Fast Qmax Start Volt Delta = 125
Fast Qmax Current Threshold = 4
Fast Qmax Min Points = 3
Qmax Capacity Err = 1.5
Max Qmax Change = 20
Qmax Max Delta % = 10
Max % Default Qmax = 120
ResRelax Time = 500
User Rate-mW = 0
Reserve Cap-mWh = 0
Max Sim Rate = 1
Min Sim Rate = 20
Ra Max Delta = 11
Min Delta Voltage = 0
Max Delta Voltage = 200
DeltaV Max dV = 100
TermV Valid t = 2

[Current Thresholds(Gas Gauging)]
Dsg Current Threshold = 930
Chg Current Threshold = 930
Quit Current = 1860
Dsg Relax Time = 60
Chg Relax Time = 60
Quit Relax Time = 1
Transient Factor Charge = 179
Transient Factor Discharge = 179
Max IR Correct = 400

[State(Gas Gauging)]
Qmax Cell 0 = 13470
Update Status = 00
Reserve Cap-mAh = 0
Load Select/Mode = 01
Q Invalid MaxV = 3803
Q Invalid MinV = 3752
Design Capacity = 9300
Design Energy = 4960
Default Design Cap = 1340
Terminate Voltage = 2500
SOCI Delta = 1
Taper Rate = 563
Taper Voltage = 4100
Sleep Current = 10
V at Chg Term = 4195
Avg I Last Run = -50
Avg P Last Run = -7
Delta Voltage = 1

[R_a RAM(Ra Tables)]
Cell0 R_a 0 = 137
Cell0 R_a 1 = 137
Cell0 R_a 2 = 129
Cell0 R_a 3 = 137
Cell0 R_a 4 = 97
Cell0 R_a 5 = 83
Cell0 R_a 6 = 91
Cell0 R_a 7 = 97
Cell0 R_a 8 = 86
Cell0 R_a 9 = 80
Cell0 R_a 10 = 107
Cell0 R_a 11 = 127
Cell0 R_a 12 = 253
Cell0 R_a 13 = 665
Cell0 R_a 14 = 1057

Board Offset = 0.0
Int Temp Offset = 0.0
Pack V Offset = -1

[CC Cal(Calibration)]
CC Offset = 0.000
CC Cal Temp = 301.6
CC Gain = 13.660
CC Delta = 13.603

Deadband = 5
RDL Tempco = 0.00039

Sealed to Unsealed = 80008000

1-3) The warning messages in the first dialog box:
Please refer to the picture below.

1-4) The warning messages in the second dialog box:
Please refer to the picture below.

Thank you.

  • We found the root cause for the warning messages.

    1) In the TI document "User's Guide SLUUA63A – April 2013 – Revised July 2016"
    1-1) In the page-12, it said:
    The Import button in the Data Memory window can be clicked in order to import an entire configuration from a specified *.gg.csv file.
    Save the configuration to a file by clicking the Export button in the Data Memory window and entering a
    file name. The configuration is saved to a *.gg.csv file. The module calibration data is also held in the
    bq27421 data memory. If the Gauge Dashboard is not displaying any information, then the bq27421 may
    not be supported by the bqStudio version being used, a bqStudio upgrade may be required.

    1-2) So, the bqStudio should import the *.gg.csv file, not the *.gg file.

    2) Because we only have the *.gg file, could you tell us how to convert the *.gg file to *.gg.csv file for bqStudio?

    Thank you.
  • We found the descriptions in the TI document (SLUUBC9), in the Chapter 2.3 Gauge Configuration (GG) File.
    And it said:
    >> GG files are commonly exported by the EV Software (*.gg) or by bqStudio (*.gg.cvs). You can use either
    >> format, depending if the gauging IC you are using is an older one supported by EV Software or a newer
    >> one supported by bqStudio.
    >> To create the GG file for the tool, please follow these steps:
    >> 1. Program chosen chem
    >> 2. Export <name>.gg file or <name>gg.csv file
    >> 3. Rename the file regardless of format to gg.csv

    1) About the BQ27421-G1A + bqStduio, should the bqStudio import *.gg.csv file?

    2) About the BQ27421-G1A + bqStudio, is the "1. Program chosen chem ID" step above necessary?

    Thank you.
  • We already found that the *.gg file is for GaugeStudio and *.gg.csv file is for bqStudio from TI document.

    Could you tell us your comment for the following question?
    >> 2) About the BQ27421-G1A + bqStudio, is the "1. Program chosen chem ID" step above necessary?

    Thank you very much.
  • You don't need to program the ChemID (it's fixed for the bq27421).

    If you have a configuration (.gg) file for GaugeStudio for the bq27421 and you want to convert this to a file that is compatible with bqStudio (.gg.csv) then you can connect the bq27421 EVM to the PC, launch GaugeStudio, load the .gg file, close GaugeStudio, launch bqStudio and export the .gg.csv file from the Data Memory view. The bq27421 will keep the settings that were programmed with GaugeStudio when you close this application on the PC therefore reading back the data memory with bqStudio will produce a .gg.csv file that matches the .gg file.
  • Thank you for your kind support.

    1) We tried to import a *.gg.csv file with bqStudio (version 1.3.54).
    In order to generate the golden image (*.gm.fs file).
    1-1) About the parameters
    1-1-1) The Load Select/Mode parameter
    1-1-1-1) In *.gg.csv file, it is set to 0x01 : it is correct for our product.
    1-1-1-2) In the golden image generated by bqStudio in our site, it is set to 0x81 : it is wrong for our product.

    1-1-2) The other parameter(s) have the same problem.

    1-2) Because the parameter in *.gg.csv is correct, it seems that the configuration of bqStudio in our site are
    incorrect for the BQ27421-G1A.
    So, the parameters in the golden image generated by bqStudio in our site are incorrect.

    1-2-1) In the bqStudio, click "Window" menu and click "Preferences" sub-menu,
    the "Preferences" dialog box is popped up.
    1-2-1-1) We find many configuration of bqStudio in this dialog box.

    1-3) The number of parameters in golden image generated in bqStudio are more than 500.

    2) Could you send us the configuration of bqStudio for BQ27421-G1A (firmware version v1.09)?
    2-1) So, we can load the configuration into bqStudio in our site.

    Thank you.
  • Please attach the .gg.csv file that you want to convert to a .gm.fs file.
  • Thank you for your kind support.

    About the content of the *.gg.csv file, please refer as follows:

    * Texas Instruments Data Flash File
    * File created Fri Jan 13 16:24:48 2017
    * Device Number 421
    * Firmware Version 1.08.00
    * Build Number not available
    * Order Number not available
    * bqz Device Number 0x0421
    * bqz Firmware Version 0x0108
    * bqz Build Number 1.08
    * Field Order: Class name, SubClass name, Parameter name, Parameter Value, Display Units, Data Type, Data Length, Address Offset, Default Value, Minimum Value, Maximum Value, Display Format, Read Formula, Write Formula, Flags, Help, Native Units, Data Flash Raw Value
    "Configuration","Safety","Over Temp","45.0","°C","I","2","0x02000000","55.0","-1200","1200","ddd.d","x","x","","","0.1°C",""
    "Configuration","Safety","Under Temp","0","°C","I","2","0x02000002","0","-1200","1200","ddd.d","x","x","","","0.1°C",""
    "Configuration","Safety","Temp Hys","5.0","°C","U","1","0x02000004","5.0","0","255","ddd.d","x","x","","","0.1°C",""
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","TCA Set %","99","%","I","1","0x24000003","99","-1","100","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","TCA Clear %","95","%","I","1","0x24000004","95","-1","100","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","FC Set %","-1","%","I","1","0x24000005","-1","-1","100","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","FC Clear %","98","%","I","1","0x24000006","98","0","100","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Configuration","Charge Termination","DODatEOC Delta T","5.0","°C","I","2","0x24000007","5.0","0","1000","ddd.d","x","x","","","0.1°C",""
    "Configuration","Data","Design Voltage","3600","mV","I","2","0x30000000","3600","2000","5000","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Configuration","Data","Initial Standby","-5","mA","I","1","0x30000002","-3","-128","0","ddd","x","x","","","mA",""
    "Configuration","Data","Initial MaxLoad","-2000","mA","I","2","0x30000003","-200","-32768","0","ddd","x","x","","","mA",""
    "Configuration","Discharge","SOC1 Set Threshold","10","%","U","1","0x31000000","10","0","100","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Configuration","Discharge","SOC1 Clear Threshold","15","%","U","1","0x31000001","15","0","100","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Configuration","Discharge","SOCF Set Threshold","2","%","U","1","0x31000002","2","0","100","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Configuration","Discharge","SOCF Clear Threshold","5","%","U","1","0x31000003","5","0","100","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Configuration","Power","Hibernate I","3","mA","I","2","0x44000007","3","0","8000","ddd","x","x","","","mA",""
    "Configuration","Power","Hibernate V","2500","mV","I","2","0x44000009","2200","0","5000","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","FH Setting 0","60","s","U","2","0x5000000b","60","0","65535","ddd","x","x","","","s",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Ra Filter","800","Num","U","2","0x50000016","800","0","1000","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","FH Setting 1","100","s","U","2","0x50000018","100","0","65535","ddd","x","x","","","s",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","FH Setting 2","18000","s","U","2","0x5000001a","18000","0","65535","ddd","x","x","","","s",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","FH Setting 3","25","s","U","1","0x50000021","25","0","255","ddd","x","x","","","s",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax Start DOD %","92","%","U","1","0x50000023","92","0","100","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax End DOD %","96","%","U","1","0x50000024","96","0","100","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax Start Volt Delta","125","mV","I","2","0x50000025","125","0","4200","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax Current Threshold","4","Hr rate","U","2","0x50000027","4","0","1000","ddd","x","x","","","Hr rate",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Fast Qmax Min Points","3","Num","U","1","0x50000029","3","0","255","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max Qmax Change","20","%","U","1","0x5000002d","20","0","255","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Qmax Max Delta %","10","%DCap","U","1","0x5000002e","10","0","255","ddd","x","x","","","%DCap",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max % Default Qmax","120","%DCap","U","1","0x5000002f","120","0","255","ddd","x","x","","","%DCap",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Qmax Filter","96","Num","U","1","0x50000030","96","0","255","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","ResRelax Time","500","s","U","2","0x50000032","500","0","65535","ddd","x","x","","","s",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","User Rate-mA","0","mA","I","2","0x50000034","0","-32768","0","ddd","x","x","","","mA",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","User Rate-mW","0","mW","I","2","0x50000036","0","-32768","0","ddd","x","x","","","mW",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max Sim Rate","1","Hr rate","U","1","0x5000003d","1","0","255","ddd","x","x","","","Hr rate",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min Sim Rate","20","Hr rate","U","1","0x5000003e","20","0","255","ddd","x","x","","","Hr rate",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Ra Max Delta","11","4mOhm","U","2","0x5000003f","11","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","4mOhm",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Min Delta Voltage","0","mV","I","2","0x50000048","0","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","Max Delta Voltage","200","mV","I","2","0x5000004a","200","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","DeltaV Max dV","100","mV","I","2","0x5000004c","100","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Gas Gauging","IT Cfg","TermV Valid t","2","s","U","1","0x5000004e","2","0","255","ddd","x","x","","","s",""
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Dsg Current Threshold","930",".1 Hr rate","I","2","0x51000000","167","0","2000","ddd","x","x","","",".1 Hr rate",""
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Chg Current Threshold","930",".1 Hr rate","I","2","0x51000002","100","0","2000","ddd","x","x","","",".1 Hr rate",""
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Quit Current","1860",".1 Hr rate","I","2","0x51000004","250","0","2000","ddd","x","x","","",".1 Hr rate",""
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Dsg Relax Time","60","s","U","2","0x51000006","60","0","65535","ddd","x","x","","","s",""
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Chg Relax Time","60","s","U","1","0x51000008","60","0","255","ddd","x","x","","","s",""
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Quit Relax Time","1","s","U","1","0x51000009","1","0","255","ddd","x","x","","","s",""
    "Gas Gauging","Current Thresholds","Max IR Correct","400","mV","U","2","0x5100000c","400","0","1000","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Qmax Cell 0","13470","Num","I","2","0x52000000","16384","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Update Status","00","Hex","U","1","0x52000002","00","0x0","0xFF","hh","x","x","","","Hex",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Reserve Cap-mAh","0","mAh","I","2","0x52000003","0","0","9000","ddd","x","x","","","mAh",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Load Select/Mode","01","Hex","U","1","0x52000005","81","0x0","0xFF","hh","x","x","","","Hex",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Q Invalid MaxV","3803","mV","I","2","0x52000006","3803","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Q Invalid MinV","3752","mV","I","2","0x52000008","3752","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Design Capacity","9300","mAh","I","2","0x5200000a","1340","0","8000","ddd","x","x","","","mAh",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Design Energy","4960","mWh","I","2","0x5200000c","4960","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","mWh",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Terminate Voltage","2500","mV","I","2","0x52000010","3200","2500","3700","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","T Rise","20","Num","I","2","0x52000016","20","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","T Time Constant","1000","s","I","2","0x52000018","1000","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","s",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","SOCI Delta","1","%","U","1","0x5200001a","1","0","100","ddd","x","x","","","%",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Taper Rate","563",".1 Hr rate","I","2","0x5200001b","100","0","2000","ddd","x","x","","",".1 Hr rate",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Taper Voltage","4100","mV","I","2","0x5200001d","4100","0","5000","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Sleep Current","10","mA","I","2","0x5200001f","10","0","1000","ddd","x","x","","","mA",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","V at Chg Term","4195","mV","I","2","0x52000021","4190","0","5000","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Avg I Last Run","-50",".1 Hr rate","I","2","0x52000023","-50","-32768","-1","ddd","x","x","","",".1 Hr rate",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Avg P Last Run","-7",".1 Hr rate","I","2","0x52000025","-50","-32768","-1","ddd","x","x","","",".1 Hr rate",""
    "Gas Gauging","State","Delta Voltage","1","mV","I","2","0x52000027","1","0","1000","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 0","137","Num","I","2","0x59000000","102","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 1","137","Num","I","2","0x59000002","102","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 2","129","Num","I","2","0x59000004","99","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 3","137","Num","I","2","0x59000006","107","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 4","97","Num","I","2","0x59000008","72","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 5","83","Num","I","2","0x5900000a","59","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 6","91","Num","I","2","0x5900000c","62","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 7","97","Num","I","2","0x5900000e","63","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 8","86","Num","I","2","0x59000010","53","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 9","80","Num","I","2","0x59000012","47","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 10","107","Num","I","2","0x59000014","60","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 11","127","Num","I","2","0x59000016","70","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 12","253","Num","I","2","0x59000018","140","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 13","665","Num","I","2","0x5900001a","369","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Ra Tables","R_a RAM","R_a0 14","1057","Num","I","2","0x5900001c","588","0","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Calibration","Data","Board Offset","0","Counts","I","1","0x68000000","0","-128","127","ddd","x","x","","","Counts",""
    "Calibration","Data","Int Temp Offset","0","°C","I","1","0x68000001","0","-128","127","ddd.d","x","x","","","0.1°C",""
    "Calibration","Data","Pack V Offset","-1","mV","I","1","0x68000002","0","-128","127","ddd","x","x","","","mV",""
    "Calibration","CC Cal","CC Offset","0","Counts","I","2","0x69000000","0","-32768","32767","ddd","x","x","","","Counts",""
    "Calibration","CC Cal","CC Cal Temp","301.6","°K","I","2","0x69000002","298.2","0","32767","dd.d","x","x","","","°K",""
    "Calibration","CC Cal","CC Gain","0.3448","Num","F","4","0x69000004","0.672785","1.0e-1","4.0e+1","f.fffff","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Calibration","CC Cal","CC Delta","411334.8438","Num","F","4","0x69000008","799341.14","3e+4","3e+6","f.fff","x","x","","","Num",""
    "Security","Codes","Sealed to Unsealed","80008000","Hex","U","4","0x70000000","80008000","0x10001","0xFFFFFFFF","hhhhhhhh","x","x","","","Hex",""
  • 1) About the problem when we converted the *.gg.csv file to golden image (*.gm.fs file) by bqStudio
    1-1) About the parameters
    1-1-1) The Load Select/Mode parameter
    1-1-1-1) In *.gg.csv file, it is set to 0x01 : it is correct for our product.
    1-1-1-2) In the golden image generated by bqStudio in our site, it is set to 0x81 : it is wrong for our product.

    1-1-2) The other parameter(s) have the same problem.

    2) We tried to modify the configuration of bqStudio.
    2-1) Could you tell us how to change the configuration of bqStudio to fix the problem in 1)?

    Thank you.
  • Your design capacity is 9300mAh but the design energy is only 4960mWh. Design energy is defined as nominal voltage (3.6) * design capacity. Please confirm the correct design capacity number.

  • Thank you for your kind support.

    1) About the Design Energy parameter in the *.gg.csv file
    1-1) In the Quickstart Guide for bq27421-G1 (document NO#: SLUUAH7B ), Chapter 4 Programming the Configuration, it said:
    >> Design Energy is used when the gauge is operating in constant-power model.

    1-2) In the *.gg.csv file, the "Load Select/Mode" parameter is set to 0x01 (Constant current mode)
    1-2-1) According to the bq27421-G1 Technical Reference ( SLUUAC5C), Chapter Load Select, Load Mode, it said:
    >> When Load Mode is 0, the Constant Current Model is used.

    1-3) About the battery specification
    1-3-1) The Minimum Capacity : 9300 mAh
    1-3-2) The Typical Capacity : 9600 mAh
    1-3-3) Charging Voltage : Max. 4.20V ± 0.05V (At 0 ºC ~ 45 ºC)

    Q1-4) If the gauge is configured to Constant-current model in the *.gg.csv file,
    is it OK to set "Design Energy" to 4960 mWh in the *.gg.csv file?

    2) We tried to modify the configuration of bqStudio to import the *.gg.csv file.
    2-1) And some parameters were changed by the configuration of bqStudio.
    2-1-1) For example:
    click Windows menu of bqStudio, click Preferences sub-menu,
    click Data Memory option, click Import.
    Clear the content of the "Class Names ti be Preserved" field to be empty.
    Then, the "Pack V Offset" will be 1 (imported from *.gg.csv file).

    2-2) It seems that the bqStudio loads the *.gg.csv file according to the configuration of bqStudio.
    Q2-2-1) Could you tell us how to change the configuration of bqStudio to fix the problem in 1)?

    Have a nice day.
  • >please confirm the correct design capacity number.

    The main problem with your configuration is that Design Capacity exceeds the maximum spec for the bq27421. See Table 6-3 in the TRM

    If you import a gg file in bqStudio with a Design Capacity of 9300mAh, bqStudio will stop writing data memory when it returns an error for Design Capacity. Therefore other parameters like the load mode won't be updated correctly.
  • Thank you very much.
    We got it.

    Please do us a favor to close this case.