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BQ20Z95: Max Error set to 139% and Cycle count register set to 65443 after 1 or 2 cycles

Part Number: BQ20Z95

I have just received reports fromt he field that a small sample of batteries is experiencing an issue with the cycle counter and max error register. After being deployed into service and 1 or 2 cycles performed ont he battery pack (unsure of exact use case, more info still trickling in) the cycle counter has moved to 65443 and the max error register is showing 139%. I don't know what this means or how they could have gotten to these numbers. We have manufactured many 10's of thousands of these packs and are very confident the settings are pretty good. I have attached a screen shot for diagnostic reasons. 

Anyone seen this behavior before? Or anything similar? I know about the 144% and the internal and external cycle counters not being aligned, and that is not the issue here, as far as I know since its not showing 144, its showing 139%.

Thanks for your help.