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I'm getting Fatal Error message by DPMT when trying to load xml file


I using Xilinx ML630 board which has power regulators and 9240 power controllers. I want to restore the 9240 controllers settings by loading and running xml script files I got from Xilinx. When opening the Digital Power Manufacturing Tool and selecting the xml file I get Fatal Error message. I'm using DPMT version 1.2.75. I also tried previous version but get the same behavior. I tried on two PCs one with Windows XP and one with Windows7 - same behaviour.

I'll appreciate any help.

  • Is the error the same as below or something different, if different can you provide either the text or a screen shot of the dialog box.

    When does the error occur?


  • Hi Brad,

    The error message looks as follows:

    However, I got answer from customer support saying that the reason is actually written in the error message (I should have seen it If I were reading all the message carefully). It says " Sorry, it appears that you are trying to load a Fusion GUI project file in the manufacturing GUI."

    It seems that Xilinx had provide me project files instead of the XML script files. I'll ask them to send me the correct files.

    Thanks for your willing to help.