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LM25037 Spice model

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25037, LM5030

good morning this is my first post here on ti forum so i'm pretty sorry if is not the correct  place.

Let's face the problem i'm currently designing an isolated dc dc with lm25037 but i'm having some trouble on the spice simulation, in particular connecting the optocoupler to the comp pin via a pull down network connected between ground and optocoupler collector which is basically right if i've understood the various paper i've looked to.

The problem is that nothing happend, current drive up to 40 mA on COM pin but voltage on that pin is still almost 5V
 to check if design was right i used the model of lm5030 too and with that component isolated feedback works pretty good. The strange thing is that to check COMP(in another simple simulation) on lm25037 i tied it to ground via a 5k resistor, so since lm25037 has an internal pull up resistor of 5k COMP pin has to be at 2.5V right? but for some reason it's still clamped to almost 5V.

thank you for any further reply it will help me very much