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Synchronization of 2 LM5045

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5045, TLV3502


I have a design that uses two LM5045 with their outputs connected in parallel in order to reduce output ripples.

I need the two circuits to be synchronized using the SYNC pin of each IC. Since the LM5045's SYNC pin is only an

input, an external clock is needed. Knowing that my oscillator frequency is 200 kHz, I chose the LTC6908 to

generate the two clocks signals (through two outputs + one of them shifted by 90°), a clock signal for each IC

without any additional components.

The SYNC pin of the LM5045 (in the data sheet) requires the synchronization pulse width to be between 15 and 200ns,

while the clock signal of LTC6908 has a 5µs pulse width (200 kHz oscillator frequency, 50% duty cycle) that

leaves it far from 200ns.

Is this correct ?? or I can just wire the outputs of the external clock to the LM5045's SYNC pin ??

And if it's not .. What suggesions can you give me to adjust the clock's pulse width

Think you for your help,
