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The graphs for UCC25600

In regards to the graph of peak gain Vs Q values for LLC converters, I would like to know how these graphs are extracted, based on what criteria and based on what equations. They are on the "calculation tool" tab on TIDA00355_LLC file. Could anybody help me on this.


  • Hi Morteza Esmaeili,

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    My suggested way to proceed with this question, is let me have an Email address. I will Email you an unlocked version of the calculator spreadsheet so that you can view all the hidden information and calculations.

    After this if you still have questions then please contact me again and I will attempt to provide the answers you seek.


    Joe Leisten

  • Hi Morteza Esmaeili,

    I have sent an unprotected version of the calculator to the Email address you supplied.

    This does not seem to answer your question because the graphs are just a picture that has been pasted into the spreadsheet.

    The presentation linked above gives much more information on the First Harmonic Approximation design approach used by the calculator tool. I hope this will address your question.
    The link provided above gives an alternative design approach that you may also find interesting. It is aimed at a different controller part, but can be applied to any LLC design.
    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
    Thanks for your interest in our parts.
    Joe Leisten