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Replacement Magnetics

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5630


I am attempting to build the 600W power supply from the TI reference design for the TAS5630. The problem that I'm having is that the transformers and inductors from Ole Wolff are impossible to find. Can TI recommend replacement parts for these parts? The reference design in question is: SLOU293C. The parts are as follows:

    -  OWPFC2225BNP-402

    -  OWTR-PQ2620PC44-3708-NL

    -  OWTR-E20/10/6-3708-NL Rev01

    -  OWTR-TX13/7.9/6.4-3708-NL Rev01

    -  OWTR-ETD39P3903-3708-NL Rev 02

Any help with finding replacements for these parts would be very much appreciated. I found the datasheets for these parts attached to another post, but the specs were not given for them so that I could do the search on my own, especially the transformers. 

Thanks in advance!