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UCC28950 - some questions

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Hi all

Would you mind if we ask UCC28950?

On the datasheet, ADEL voltage is CS voltage with the partial resistance.
In this case, don't we need consider divided cases as follows?

On the application note SLUA560C, ADEL voltage is inserted VREF voltage with the partial resistance.
In this case, is it no relation with CS voltage? Otherwise, is it fixed voltage?
We have following questions;
1. tABSET=346ns from calculation formula (122)
2. RDA1, 8.25kohm(given value)
3. tABSET=346ns > 155ns, VADEL is defined =0.2V.

    RDA2=348ohm from calculation formula (124) and (125)
4. RDELAB=30.1kohm from calculation formula (127)

5. In relation with 1, in case of tABSET<155ns, VADEL=1.8V, ADEL=1.8V


Is our recognition correct?

-Application note(

We do need your help.

Kind regards,

Hirotaka Matsumoto