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TPS65150: capacitor on the VGH

Guru 20090 points
Part Number: TPS65150


Our customer connected the 1.1uF capacitor(1uF+0.1uF) to the VGH and then the device is not operated.
If they remove these caps, the problem is solved.

Could you please let me know the reason of this?

I requested the waveform but I couldn't get yet.
Since the device has Power on sequencing, I think that the sequence may be violated in the customer.

Best Regards,

  • Hello Ryuji,

    We would need more details to comment on that. What are the different input/output voltages? Could you please share the customer schematics (or only the VGH part showing DRVP-FBP-CPI)?

    What do you mean with "the device is not operated"? Can you describe the startup?

    Best regards,


  • Hello Diaara san,

    I appreciate your reply.
    As we checked customer situation, the device is in FAULT mode due to Cfdly setting.
    Then I have additional question.
    I would like to estimate the accuracy of td(FDLY).
    Thus could you please let me know the variation of FDLY comparator threshold voltage (0.69*VI).
    (0.69VI is in the Functional Block Diagram in datasheet P.11)
    If we don't care the 0.69*VI for considering the td(FDLY), please let me know.
    Then I will estimate min/max of td(FDLY) by Cfdly and Rfdly variations.

    I can send the schematics if you contact the following my address.


    Best Regards,

  • Hello Ryuji,

    Please send your schematic to this list:
    The above e-mail address does not work.

    For the minimum and maximum values, please have a look on the figure on page 20 of the datasheet.

    Best regards,
  • Hello Brigitte san,

    Thank you for the reply. I will send the schematics to the mail address.
    I would like to know the reference voltage of FDLY comparator.

    In the datasheet it is 0.69*Vi but in the measurement result it is about 0.25*Vi. (Vi is 5V in the measuement)
    Is the FDLY comparator reference voltage same with DLY1 and DLY2 ?

    Best Regards,