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TPS65150: Not understanding the reason of Random LCD flickering

Part Number: TPS65150

Hi Experts

We have used TPS65150 in our design (Tablet) and seeing correct output voltage generation but we are seeing random flickering. Flickering is seen when running display is kept idle for 30 minutes and also when system comes out of sleep.

We have tried tuning VCOM but no seeing any improvement.

Attached the voltage requirements of LCD and schematics. Please let us know the possible case of random flickering issue.

Note: R505 & C552 has been changed to below values.

R505 : 33k

C552: 470pf
  • Hello Shekhar saini42,

    As far as I understand you problem, you can observe a flicker issue whenever the panel is going to sleep for more than 30 minutes and when the system comes out of sleep mode. Therefore it seems the issue is not random. Is my understanding correct?

    If is possible that such an issue is caused by increased current requirement during startup of the panel. Would you please check the output voltages on all rails (including VCOM) that are connected to the panel? In addition, if you could measure the current requirement during the time when the panel is coming out of sleep at the same time, it would be very helpful to identify the root cause of the flicker issue.

    Best regards,
  • Hello Shekhar saini42,

    I haven’t heard back so I’m assuming you were able to resolve your issue. If not, just post a reply below (or create a new thread if the thread has locked due to time-out).

    Best regards,