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TPS65132: Light load DCM operation

Part Number: TPS65132
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65130

For the TPS65132 under very light load conditions, the part enters DCM and switches at 30KHz region, which is interfering with another part of the design.


1. What load level would get the part to switch to CCM?

2. Is there an alternative part which would operate in CCM only, even at very light loads?  (disables, DCM)


  • Hello David,

    Please check first which converter is causing the interference, e.g. by either loading VPOS or VNEG with additional load, e.g. 40mA, to check when the interference is gone.

    1. The load current necessary to get into full switching is dependent on VIN and VOUT, so I cannot tell you a fixed load number there, but I think for you it is not important when the part gets into full switching, but how can we keep the interference from occurring, correct? You could for example check at which additional load on which converter is the interference gone.

    2. TPS65130 could be used and set to operate at fixed frequency. For small layout, you might have a look at this reference design:

    Best regards,

  • Hello David,

    I haven’t heard back so I’m assuming you were able to resolve your issue. If not, just post a reply below (or create a new thread if the thread has locked due to time-out).

    Best regards,