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LM3429 treshold configuration

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM3429


I implemented a current controlled driver with the LM3429.

Vi = 23-25 V

Iout = 350 mA

Vout = 26.1 V

All work fine but I don't know how to modify the treshold for UVLO and OVLO.

The circuit switch correctly but only in a short range of Vi, that is not inside the Vi definition.

When I power up the circuit and start from low level voltage from the imput, the circuit start switching at 21.3 V, and if continue to increase Vi, stop switching at 23.2 V, That is lower thatn normal Vi = 24 V.

When I start to decrease the Vi, then stop switching at 19.6 V.

I would like that circuit work in the Vi range defined Vi = 23-25 V

The UVLO configuration is a resistor divider with a serial resistor as recomended in the disign.

Rivp2 or Ruv2= 10K

Rivp1 or Ruv1 = 620 Ohm

Rdim or Ruvh = 5k49


Rovp2 = 510 K

Rovp1 = 20 K with a paralel capacitor of 47 pF.

I Just want to start conversion at 23 V and stop at 25 or a lower and uper levels but a minimum this values.

  • Juan:


       Your input UVLO and output OVP settings are correct. The rease it stops switching at 23.2V has nothing to do with input UVLO. It probably reaches minimum duty cycle when Vin is close to Vout. The minimum on time of LM3429 is 250nS typical, 450nS max. For 25V in 26.1V out operation, the calculated duty cycle is 4%. To achieve 4% duty cycle with 450nS on time, the switching frquency needs to be 88KHz or lower. Please try to lower the switching frequency to see if it works.


    David Zhang