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LM3429 94v 300mA

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM3429, TPS92690

Hi, I'm working with this driver Boost topology and want to know how to do work at 94V and 300mA output. Thank you

  • Whether you can do 94V output at 300mA all depends on your input voltage. For example 48V to 94V would be easy enough, but 9V to 94V would be difficult. In any case, to do this with the LM3429 would require that you place the current sense resistor in the middle of the LED string so that you do not over-voltage the HSP/HSN pins. Another option would be to use the TPS92690. It's from the same family but has a low side current sense so you can boost up to 94V without fear of over-voltage on any pins as long as you use a resistor between the FET source and ground for IS sensing rather than Rds(on) sensing.