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TPS61169 current limitation

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS61169

Customer using below design, Input: 5V@1A, Output: 20 V

But, the output current just can reach to 120 m A  by DC loading at 20 V, the target is 180 m A.

Also, this design final target is 28 V/180 m A.

Why current is limited at 120 m A ? 

please help to recommend, thank you very much.

  • Hi Jason

    I can't locate the datasheet for your inductor, please verify that the saturation current is > 1.2A?

    Six 6.8 Ohm resistors in parallel would be 0.85 Ohms (240 mA), is one of the resistors some other value?

    The schematic shows 25V caps, if lthey set VOUT at 28V the caps might be damaged, is output current measured at the load? or output of TPS61169?

    Is this being used to drive LEDs?

    Best regards,
