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I want to find a 100W+ boost LED driver

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS92690, TPS92691, LM5111

Hi, I want to find a 100W+  boost LED driver with PWM Dimming. Input voltage:8-13V, output :13.5v-14v, max current is 9A.  Which part Number of  Texas Instrument is suitable?

  • Hello,

    100W+ and 9A is a lot of power. But you should be able to do it with the TPS92690 or TPS92691. The 690 is good for PWM dimming up to around 250Hz and the 691 adds dimming FET control so that you can PWM dim faster and still maintain linearity.

    Both have limited VCC current for driving the FET so you will need to use a low Qg FET and/or switch at a lower switching frequency. In the end it may require using an additional gate driver circuit such as the LM5111 if you need more drive than the VCC regulator is capable of.

