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TPS92515HV: Minimum Overhead required by part

Part Number: TPS92515HV
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS92515


I have a customer who is using TPS92515 in their application (previous post here: )  that is wondering the following: what is the minimum overhead the part needs to be stable? If they are attempting to drive a 22V OLED, they are reporting that it requires around 24V for the part to remain stable. They were hoping to get this value down to 23V. Is this a factor that is inherent to the part (and if so, what is the value?), or is this something that can be tweaked via circuit?

  • Hello Carolus,

    It depends on what you set your off time to and whether you are in CCM or DCM. You definitely want to be in CCM to get the maximum duty cycle and you do not want a really long off time. But in most cases you can get 99% or better maximum duty cycle.

    What is the off time now? Have you tried cutting that in half and see if there is improvement?



  • Clint,

    According to the customer, they have designed for the off time to be around 1.23us. I will get their feedback on reducing this value and forcing the part into CCM. They have also sent me a copy of their schematic, but I don't wish to post it here. If you think it could be helpful in analyzing the issue I can send it to you via email.

  • Hello Carolus,

    You can e-mail me the schematic directly. I'd be happy to look it over. If you just want to continue that way let me know so I can close this thread. Thanks.

