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HI, I would like to design a LED CIRCUIT which can automatically switch from One string to another depending on the temperature increase in one string and vice verse... please help me with type of driver IC i can use

  • Lilli,

    I moved this to the LED driver forums because you should get a quicker response here.


  • Hi,

    it's an interesting application. Is it designed for bulb or what? What are your input and output voltage?

    I think you may need an IC has separate outputs and separate pins to control the current in each LED channel.

    Best regards,


  • hi ,

    Thank you for your ressponse

    Actually it is for a series of LED bulbs arranged in two strings in Same IC driver or two different IC driver.i Need a micro controller  to control these two ICs according to temperature response from LED BULB. as we all know that temperature emission creates a great problem in LED Lighting reliabilty , we planned for this design. Actually now we need two LED Drivers AND MCU . IT will easier if they can  have AC power supply. 

  • Hi,

    Maybe you can use thermal resistor or temperature sensor to sense the heat as a signal given to the MCU. Then the MCU will output a signal to enable/disable the LED driver. It won't be difficult to select an IC for LED driver as long as you have clear specifications and requirements.

