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Micron MT41K256M16HA-125IT and TPS51200

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS51200


According to the datasheet for MT41K256M16HA DDR3 memory, Micron has the following requirements:

  • VREF variation of no more than ±2% from nominal 0.675V (from part data sheet, page 45)
  • VTT variation of no more than ±3% from nominal 0.675V (not as specific; this is suggestion from Micron document TN-46-14)

The TPS51200 has the following specs:

  • VREF variation of ±2.2% (±15 mV max for 0.675V output)
  • VTT variation of ±3.7% (±25 mV max over full load for 0.675V output)

These specs are slightly off from what the Micron datasheet requires. Do you think the TPS51200 is sufficient for this application?

System info: Using two of these parts connected directly to the ASIC and using external parallel termination resistors on DDR3L memory signals not covered by on-die terminations in the memory. Will need a source for the VTT termination voltage as well as the memory VREF voltage (both nominally 1.35V / 2 or 0.675V).

Thanks for the help!
