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LM117H replacement?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM317-N

I'm looking for a direct replacement for the LM117H TO-39 positive voltage regulator, one that has less output voltage variation with temperature. Can anyone suggest such a part?

  • Hi Jim,

    The LM117HV has the -55 to 150C junction temp range and 60V abs max input-to-output voltage spec. Assuming that these are your requirements, I am not aware of another linear regulator that has a tighter voltage variation across temp that will fit the same temp and voltage range. I will leave this open for others to comment.

    Note that the voltage variation that you see across temp is due to the wide temp range that these parts were characterized with. For a tighter variation, you could use the LM317-N, but you will be limited by a smaller operating temp range as compared to LM117HV.

    Though, I would suggest using the parametric search to filter what is available.
