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Regulator with Low Voltage Bypass


I have sensor that can operate between 1.9V and 3.6V, but likes 3V. The sensor will be using a 4.7V LiPo and a 6V PV panel. I am looking of either an LDO or Buck Boost regulator that can regulate a voltage, but if the voltage goes below the regulated amount the regulator will allow the sensor to still be powered on a lower voltage. Or, may be if can just regular the voltage between 1.9V and 3.3V, and shut off below 1.9V. The sensor needs no more the 100mA to operate.

Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi Stephen,

    If your goal is to regulate at 3V, you could use a low IQ LDO with a 3V output such as TPS78330. As the battery depletes, the LDO will eventually go into dropout; however, the output rail will still be powered. TPS78330 also has an EN pin that can be used with a supervisor to shut off the device when the battery voltage drops below a certain threshold.

    Very Respectfully,
  • Thank you Ryan for your response. I did some more digging around and I found the TPS6120x. It has a 3.3V fixed output and is a Buck/Boost design. I think that it will be a better option for me because of the boost option.

