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TPS74401: TPS74401 voltage is dropping.

Part Number: TPS74401


i am using TPS74401 device in my design to generate 1.2V from 1.5V. Initially this voltage is fine, but after programming the FPGA its dropping to 1V. apart from drawing more current what else could be possibly reason to drop the voltage.

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Kirty,

    There are a couple of things that could cause the output voltage to reduce. As you mention, the load could be drawing more current through the LDO. Another possibility is that the input may be pulled down. This could be true especially if the input to the LDO is powering multiple rails.

    In order to help debug, could you provide a schematic for the LDO portion and a scope shot of Vin, Vout, and Iout?

    Very Respectfully,