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TPS63060 shutdown current

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS63060


We are using a couple of the TPS63060's in our design.  Unfortunately, they are all pulling 50uA in shutdown.  They should be less than 2uA each.  The Enable pin is driven low, and the pin is definitely not floating.  This has a significantly impact on our battery life as our device spends quite a bit of time in a very low power state. 

Is this a known issue, or is there something that could cause this to happen?  We are seeing the same thing on all of our prototypes. 

Thank you,


  • I would expect this amount of quiescent current when the device is definitely enabled. How big is the quiescent current when the device is enabled? Is it the same or even higher?

    Is there a schematic you can share? It would be good to have the point where you measure the current in.