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TPS54040A BOOT UVLO variation

Genius 4165 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS54040A, TPS54060A


Does anyone have the variation data for TPS54040A Boot UVLO threthold voltage?



  • Hi Go,

    There should be some data available from when the product was developed and I'll look around for it. What will this data be used for?

    Best Regards,

  • Hi, Anthony

    Thank you for your comment.

    My customer'd like to know the target voltage difference between Vin and Vout

    which can avoid the behavior described in TPS54040A D/S page13

    "Low Dropout Operation and Bootstrap Voltage (BOOT)".



  • Hi Go,

    I found the data and it suggests a maximum value of 2.4V.

    The extreme occurs at -40 deg C as should be suggested by Figure 21 in the datasheet. It seems the Y axis had it's numbers reversed based on the data I looked over and other datasheets in this family. The correct curve could be found in the TPS54060A datasheet.

    Best Regards,