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TPS62130 output voltage linear rise over temperature

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62130

Hi folks,

I have a straight forward design with the TPS62130 using 2 resistors as a feedback to get 5V2 at the output. The design needs to be very compact, and therefore we expected temperature rise during usage. Our customer gave us feedback that the output voltage could go up 0,3V more than the 5V2 we aimed for. Testing here in our lab we saw this too: Cold spray let it drop in voltage, the feedback point is going from 0,77V to 0,82V depending on the temperature. We see that It does not look stable over temperature. The temperature in our tests goes from 15 deg. celcius to approx 75 deg. celcius.

Question: Is this a known issue?

If yes, then I know I have to fiddle a dirty solution...