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TPS53355 EN pin threshold

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53355

In TPS53355 datasheet (SLUSAE5B), it is written that EN pin turn-on threshold is 1.2V and turn-off threshold is 0.95V on P.3.  However EN voltage min value is 1.8V and Disable voltage max value is 0.6V on P.6.

I think this is the datasheet misdescription on P.6, then my idea is the following, is this correct?

1.2V and 0.95V is typ value

1.8V is Enable max value

0.6V is Disable min value.

Best Regards,

Kohei Sasaki

  • page 3 even says typical value. but page 6 is the parametric table and only shows the worst case, guaranteed voltages.

  • Yes this is somewhat confusing. The typical values from page 3 are indicative of what you can expect in actual operation. They are more or less the mean characterized values over temperature.
    The parametric table specification on page 6 are like a digital gate specification. You can interpret them as follows:
    EN voltage enable minimum = 1.8V means that the device is guaranteed to be enabled at some voltage less than 1.8V, so a voltage above 1.8 V will always enable the device.
    EN voltage disable maximum = 0.6 V means that the device is guaranteed to be disabled at some voltage above 0.6V, so a voltage below 0.6 V will always disable the device.
    The IC test program verifies these limits.