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About noise measure of TPS51116

Guru 19575 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS51116, CSD87331Q3D

Customer's TPS51116 circuit make large noise, customer will connect 30Ω resister between VBST to C2104.

(Following circuit's Red point)

Is it no plobrem?

※Left is TPS51116,Right is CSD87331Q3D

【Additional information】

・Schematic is below.

 Already added 10nF capasitor on TPS51116-Vin and CSD87331-Vin.


・Waveform is attached.

 CH1:R2119(Current sense resister), CH2:Vout, CH3:High side Gate, CH4:Low side Gate 

・Sometimes, High side and Low side are both "Low", is it no plobrem?

Best regards,


  • 30 ohm seems rather high for series boot resistor, but I have never worked directly with the TPS51116. I doubt we have any data for boot resistor application.

    I think you are just seeing DCM mode operation, not both low side and high side off. The only time both should be off is during the dead time transitions