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TPS54325-Q1 VREG and Soft-Start

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS54325-Q1, TPS54325

I have a customer who is asking a question on the ramp up of the VREG5 circuit in the TPS54325-Q1.

The block diagram seems to indicate that VREG is supplied directly from VCC. But is the ramp up of VREG5 affected by the soft-start circuit? The customer seems to think that VREG5 does not ramp up until the soft-start time is completed. Is this the way the circuit works internally or does it ramp up independent of the soft-start circuit? This is what seems to be implied in the block diagram of the part, but VREG5 is not very well explained in the data sheet.

The customer has said that they see VREG5 only ramp up after the soft-start circuit is finished. Please let me know if this is how the circuit operates or if it simply ramps up once Vcc is applied.

Thanks for your help with this! 

Richard Elmquist