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TPS62065: TPS62065/about mode pin

Part Number: TPS62065


Could you tell me about TPS62065 mode pin in open condition?
In this case,How does it work?
Customers are concerned about the behavior when this pin is opened.

Best Regards,
Yusuke / Japan Disty

  • Hi,
    MODE pin has to be terminated:

    MODE: MODE pin = High forces the device to operate in fixed frequency PWM mode.
    MODE pin = Low enables the power save mode with automatic transition from PFM mode to
    fixed frequency PWM mode. This pin must be terminated.


  • Lubomir-san,

    Thank you for your support.
    I understood your explanation.

    However,Customer want to know the behavior when it is unintentionally opened.
    Customer assumes a case where the pull-down resistor has come off.
    Could you give me your advice?

    Best Regards,
    Yusuke / Japan Disty

  • Hi Yusuke-san,

    there is no internal pull up or pull down resistor connected internally to MODE pin.
    If the MODE is open then the status for the MODE pin is not defined.
    TPS62065 can randomly change operation between PWM and PFM mode.

    There is no risk of damage.

    Best regards
