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TPS65217D Battery Free Configuration

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65217, AM3358


Can you please help me determine how to properly configure the TPS65217 for my Battery Free configuration? Here are some details of my design.

  • We are using an AM3358 processor with the TPS65217D PMIC, but we do not require system battery operation. We do have a requirement to keep time/ date persistent, but do not want to make the whole system battery powered for this. I have added an external Real Time Clock Module with a coin cell to allow my system to keep track of time for up to a year with no AC power Connection. This part of my design works as intended. The coin cell has its own trickle charger and does not use the PMIC battery charger.
  • My design has a 5V bias supply available anytime AC power is available. The Bias voltage has a capacity of about 0.5A.
  • My design has another 5V system power supply available at much higher currents that is only available when the system power is turned ON. 
  • My initial inclination was to connect the 5V bias voltage to the USB input of the PMIC and the other 5V power to the AC Power input with the Battery terminals floating. The design intent was for the bias voltage to keep the PMIC powered anytime AC power is available, but to switch over to the higher current supply when the system is turned ON. The problem with this configuration is that the PWR_EN signal gets activated when the system is first plugged in (bias voltage turns ON) which causes the system to turn ON without the power switch button press.
  • Another configuration I have tried is to connect 5V bias to the Battery Input. In this configuration, the PMIC behaves as intended - ie it does not cause the PWR_EN signal to activate until the Power Button is pressed (PMIC PB input). The issue with this configuration is that the PMIC ends up drawing all of the power (about 0.4A) from the Bias Supply even after the higher power 5V supply is available at the PMIC AC Power input. 

So, I would like TI's help to figure out how to get the PMIC to use our high power 5V power rail when it is available and only use our 5V bias supply when the higher power supply is not available (with no battery). If this is not feasible, then I will end up adding a power switch upstream of the PMIC to manage the transition from 5V bias supply to 5V system power supply. It seems like the PMIC should be able to manage the two 5V power supplies, but it is not clear how this should be done.


Randy Holmberg

  • Randy,

    The first configuration turns on the TPS65217 because the USB supply is connected, which is a wake-up event for the device; there are three: USB detection, AC detection, and push button input is pulled low. (See Modes of Operation p.15). The power path does not switch to the AC input because there is no delta between the battery input and the AC input. There must be at least 190mV difference between these two inputs for the power path to prioritize the AC over the battery input. (See Power Path USB/AC detection limits p.8). Does your design allow there to be a 190mV delta between these two inputs?


  • Hi Janice,

    It turns out that I have tried my configuration with a diode added between my 5V Bias Power Supply (connected to the PMIC USB input) and the PMIC VBAT terminal. This is successful at allowing the PMIC to switch to the System 5V Power Supply (connected to the PMIC AC input), but essentially behaves the same as my original configuration with the Battery terminal left open - the system powers up when AC power is applied to the system.

    So, the solution that I think will work will be to add a transistor switch to apply 5V Bias to the Battery terminal when my system first gets AC Power. In this configuration, the PMIC appears to work the way I would like (does not automatically enable system power). When the system power switch is pressed, the bias for my transistor switch will disable the switch to the battery terminal such that the PMIC will switch to use the AC Power input. What I want from TI is to confirm that the behavior I am relying on is supported - can you assure me that the PMIC will not automatically turn ON in the condition where my 5V Bias is first applied to both USB input and VBAT terminals of the PMIC when the AC power is not present?


    Randy holmberg

  • Randy,


    TI cannot guarantee that the PMIC will not automatically turn ON when power is applied to the USB input, because it goes against the data sheet.



  • Janice,
    Rather than tell me that the actual behavior of the part that I am reporting goes against the data sheet, can you please find out why the PMIC actually does work the way I want it to in this configuration? If there is a reason why the PMIC can not be expected to reliably behave the way I am observing, then would TI be willing to make me a version of the PMIC (REV E) that is same as REV D, but does not automatically turn ON when 5V is first applied to the USB input.

    If none of these options are viable, then I think I have my answer. You are telling me the PMIC is really not suitable for this application and I should replace it with something else - disagree???

    Randy Holmberg
  • Randy,

    I've asked design to look into this configuration, to get some more insight, and fine the assurance you are looking for; however, I believe this boiles down to a timing game: what node will receive the power first? Depending on that it will cause it to act differently (USB gets power first it will wake up the part, battery gets power first the part will not wake up without PB being presssed). Since there is no delta between the two nodes we are completely relying on timing. Have you tested this configuration multiple times, and it's worked every time?


  • Hi Janice,

    That is very helpful - I appreciate your looking into this further for me. For my design, I can modify the configuration such that VBAT is guaranteed to power up before the USB input. If TI can provide some guidance that this will cause the PMIC to not power up with out a PB event, then that would be a big help. It would also be helpful if TI can provide guidance on how much delay I should plan on between VBAT power application and USB power application to have some reasonable assurance that the PMIC will wait for the PB input to turn on.

    Here is what I think I would make my design look like for power up sequencing.

    1) Provide a power switch to apply 5V power to VBAT initially.

    2) A short time later a second switch will activate to apply 5V power to the USB input.

    3) When the PB input is activated, the system 5V power will drive the AC input of the PMIC. This will also cause the switch to the VBAT terminal to turn OFF so that the PMIC switches over to draw most of its current from the AC input.

    Any further guidance would be much appreciated.

    Randy Holmberg

  • Randy,

    Your set up will work provided that the Voltage rise time is fast enough. There is a power detected deglitch  time of 22.5ms (not tested in production) on the AC/USB pins, so there should be a sufficient enough delay that the Bat input will always be chosen. I would account for these delays in your testing procedures. From what you are describing it sounds that you are adhering to the spec outlined on page 8 "power path USB/AC detection limits"



  • Hi Janice,

    That is all very helpful to me. Please also let me know if you are willing to review my schematic sheet with the PMIC connections. 


    Randy Holmberg
