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TPS650830: V18U_25U Fault Issue

Part Number: TPS650830


The problem which my customer encountered are that

  1. The PMIC of TPS650830 will be auto shunt down as it is in the working.
  2. Read the status register of  PWRSTAT1&2, the power fault seems to cause by V18U_25U power rail.

    1. CMD 0x16(PWRSTAT1) = 0x04, V18U_25U_FAULT= 1 (error)
    2. CMD 0x17(PWRSTAT2) = 0x00
  3.  The customer said that he follow the TPS650830 power sequence as the data sheet
    1. a loader switch SiP32409
    2. input is V1.8A(V8) [FBVR2P]
    3. output is V1.8U to VSB
    4. EN is to PGB
  4. It can measure the output voltage of 1.8V on VSB.
  5. The error seem to indicate the PG is not set.

The customer want to know what are possible reasons to cause the fault.

Best Regards

Philip Jou