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TPS2540 or TPS2543 in a CDP mode to charge IPAD's

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2543, TPS2540

Can I use a TPS2540 or TPS2543 in CDP mode to charge an IPAD version 1,2,3 or 4? I'm finding with all control lines tied high that any Iphone or Ipad mini will charge, but the IPAD doesn't. It seems anything over 900ma will not charge. The device states "not charging" but drawing about 400ma.

  • I see this is a common question and not really answered in a direct way. More directly the question is - can a TPS2543 support CDP mode charging to an Apple device requiring 1.5 amps or higher? If so how if I'm directly tying the ctl lines all high, if not, what does?
  • Hi,

    I apologize that no one has followed up with your question. I'm going to close this thread, but if you still have a question please feel free to post a brand new thread instead of replying to this one. We will do our very best to respond within 24 hours to any new post you might have :-)

    Best Regards,
    Aramis P. Alvarez