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LM9061 threshold calculation for low current

I have been struggling with calculating the threshold and sense resistor values for use with an FDS5351 n-channel mosfet from fairchild.  I would like for the over current to kick in at around 2A to 2.5A maximum.  I have tried several values but no luck.  Any help would help.

  • Hi Gerardo,

    Imax= [(Iref*Rthresh)-(Isense*Rsense)+Voffset]/Rds(on).

    And from the datasheet:
    • Rref should be 15.4k, therefore Iref=1.25V/15.4k=81uA
    • Rthresh must be greater than Rsense
    • Isense(max)=10uA
    • Voffset = +/- 10mV
    • Rds(on) @ 10V Vgs = 35mOhm

    With Rthresh=1k and Rsense=750, and assuming Isense = 5uA and Voffset=0, the current limit would be 2.2A.

    Rthresh may need to be tuned from there depending on the actual offset voltage of the internal comparator, the 10mV swing makes a big difference