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CSD25402Q3A: Pchannel MFET for 5 Amps of continuous current

Part Number: CSD25402Q3A


I have chosen CSD25402Q3A for reverse polarity application. Kindly confirm for suitability of this part. Also suggest if different part is more suitable than this.

Application: Reverse polarity protection. MFET is hooked with Positive voltage rail for normal operation.

Continuous current : 5 Amps

Vds max : 12 V 

Vgs : Min 3V

Note: PCB area permits to provide one inch^2 copper area of 2OZ FR4.


Ashish Rai

  • This part should be able to handle 5A but that ultimately we depend on your thermal environment. On 1x1", 2oz Cu, the thermal impedance is ~45deg C / W, which allows for 2.8W of power dissipation (from Ta = 25). At 3Vgs, the most power this would dissipate at 5A would be roughly 0.5 W, so I think you should be fine, so long as the ambient environment does get too hot.