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Question about internal function of DCR010505

Guru 19575 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DCR010505, DCR010503

Please let me know about internal function of DCR010505 below.

①Is there detailed information of internal LDO regulator?

 Customer request is confirm the operation of Vin:6V and 3.3V condition.

 I think that if LDO regulator function is clear, these are clear,too.

②On the external sync, why fsw is limited to only 800kHz (±10%)?

③Is there input consumption current on EN:Low condition?

 I think that Enable is control LDO regulator only, DC/DC is always moving, is it correct?

Best regards,


  • Satoshi:

    1. DCR010505 5V LDO 200mA maximum current  is a low drop-out linear regulator with maximum 250mV Drop-out. It has a fixed Vout 5V. There is a DCR010503 with bn5Vin and 3.3Vout at 300mA maximum current..

    2. External  Fsw  frequency  is limited by duty cycle to 800KZ+/-10%. Any other  sync. frequency can possibly over stress the control IC. See SBAA035 for external sync. control

    3. The maximum current on the enable pin when grounded is 100 nano- amps .

    3a. The output enable when grounded to Vout  only disables the LDO. If used  an isolating 10kΩ resistor must be inserted between Vrectified   and enable pin. The average input current is about 20-25mA when secondary enable is ground .

    4. The primary side Sync. pin  see section 8.4.1 can be use to  disable  and enable the sync. pin , See SBAA035 page 5,6 for on-off details . When sync. input grounded, the input current is typically < 1 mA.


    1581.External Synchronization of the DCx series sbaa035b.pdf