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 I am Vaisakh from Wipro technologies Bangalore. For our product development we are looking for voltage supervisor IC (2 input). TPS3305 suits our application but in the diagram in page no 1 (link mentioned-- ), both 3.3V and 1.8V are shorted. Whether this is correct or do you have updated datasheet for the same IC. If so please share it with us.

 Thanks & Regards

 Vaisakh H Nair


Vaisakh H Nair | Innovation Group |Wipro Technologies | Bangalore, India | l +91-9742985356

  • Hi Vaisakh,

    Thank you for pointing this out to us.  You are correct, the outputs of the two LDOs should not be shorted.  Only the 1.8V output should be tied to SENSE2 and the 3.3V output should be tied to Vdd and Sense1.

    Very Respectfully,
