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TPS3813: Are WDI rising and falling edge valid as a WDI input?

Part Number: TPS3813

 Hello guys,

 One of our customers is considering using TPS3813.

 They have the following questions about the device.

 Could you give me your answers to the questions?

Q1. On page 10 in the device datasheet (SLVS331H), we can see the sentence, "The TPS3813xxx family of devices have a watchdog timer that must be periodically triggered by either a positive or negative transition at the WDI pin to avoid a reset signal being issued." Does this sentence mean that WDI rising edge and falling edge, both edge are detected as a valid signal for watchdog timer resetting?

Q2. If WDI falling edge is input before t_boundary,min is elapsed, is this valid and does /RESET level go low? (I think the answer should be NO because the falling edge is input before  t_boundary,min is elapsed according to Fig 1, Timing diagram.)

Q3. If WDI falling edge is input after t_boundary,max is elapsed, does /RESET level not go low? And then is WD timer reset?

Q4. Is the rising edge of WDI only is detected until t_boundary,min is elapsed?

Q5. Must the falling edge be input by  t_boundary,min is elapsed?

 Your reply would be appreciated.

 Best regards,

 Kazuya Nakai.

  • Kazuya,

    A1. Yes, either rising or falling edge on WDI is detected to prevent device from resetting. If no edge is detected, device resets.

    A2. If falling edge occurs before t_boundary,min then device resets (/RESET goes low). To prevent device from resetting, falling or rising edge must occur between t_boundary and t_window. Note: t_boundary has min/max tolerance and t_window has min/max tolerance. To be certain device does not reset, trigger between t_boundary,max and t_window,min. In Fig. 1, the shaded region represents the tolerance of t_boundary which means the t_boundary can be between t_boundary,min and t_boundary,max and you must pulse WDI after t_boundary elapses to prevent reset.

    A3. If WDI falling edge is input after t_boundary,max, this means that no falling edge is detected within the window frame so device resets (/RESET goes low) and WD timer is reset after the delay.

    A4. Rising or falling edge must occur after t_boundary and before t_window to prevent reset.

    A5. If rising or falling edge occur before t_boundary or after t_window, the device will reset.

    Please let me know if you have any more questions of if anything is unclear! Please click “This resolved my issue” button if the answer provided resolved your issue. Thanks!


  • Hi Michael,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    Could I ask you a few additional questions?
    I can understand your answer in A2, "If falling edge occurs before t_boundary,min then device resets (/RESET goes low). To prevent device from resetting, falling or rising edge must occur between t_boundary and t_window."
    But does that mean that a very short pulse WDI (pulse=L -> H -> L) like the pulse width 50ns, 100ns or so on can not be input because the falling edge of WDI is input before t_boundary?

    I'm sorry if I ask you same question as before.
    I understood the shaded region of WDI in Fig1 showed lower boudary time with tolerance set by WDT and WDR. In case of 1'st shaded region, 1'st falling edge of WDI is input before t_boundary is elapsed. But then /RESET doesn't go low. Is the diagram is correct? Or your comment, "If falling edge occurs before t_boundary,min then device resets (/RESET goes low)." is correct?

    Thank you again and best regards,
    Kazuya Nakai.
  • Kazuya,

    A1. The pulse width shouldn't matter since the device looks for edges instead of pulse duration. Table 6.6 requires a min pulse width of 3us at VDD so I would try to apply at least pulse widths of 3us if possible. "t_boundary" doesn't represent a region but rather a specific time. That time varies slightly from device to device which creates the "t_boundary, min, typ, max" region. You want your pulses to occur after t_boundary for your device. The t_boundary can be as far out as t_boundary, max. If your pulse occurs before t_boundary, this is outside of the window frame thus the device will reset.

    A2. No need to apologize! We are here to help. The diagram is actually very confusing. There is no label explaining the shaded region in Figure 7 so it is a little confusing. In figure 7, there should be a "lower region", "window frame", and "upper region" with the good region that you want to aim for is "window frame". This is described in much better detail in figure 6. In figure 7, I believe the shaded region is suppose to be the middle good region for window frame. The reason the device resets in "trigger pulse lower window boundary" is because after the first good pulse, the second pulse occurs right after which would be in the lower region which is before the middle window frame region so this would cause reset.

    Please let me know if this is unclear or if you have any more questions. Thanks!


  • Hi Michael,

    Thank you very much for your reply and kind words.

    Can I ask you again as the follows?

    Q1. If WDI falling edge (negative edge) is input before t_boundary_min, Is /RESET=L occured?
    If the answer is yes, is Fig1 timing diagram wrong because 1'st falling edge (negative edge) is input befor t_boundary (shaded area) is elapsed but /RESET doesn't go low?

    Q2. Accordign to 8.2 Functional Block Diagram on the device datasheet, WDI terminal is connected to the rising Rising Edge Detection block. I think this means that WDI rising edge is valid only. But we can see this sentence "The TPS3813xxx family of devices have a watchdog timer that must be periodically triggered by either a positive or negative transition at the WDI pin to avoid a reset signal being issued." in 8.3.1 User-Programmable Watchdog Timer (WDI) on page 10.
    Which is correct, WDI can detect rising edge only or it can detect both, rising and falling edge?

    Thank you very much again and best regards,
    Kazuya Nakai.
  • My apologies for the delayed response.

    A1. Yes, If WDI falling edge (negative edge) is input before t_boundary_min, /RESET=L occurs. Fig1 diagram doesn't show the lower boundary very good. It shows a shaded region but this should represent the window frame (the middle region). Please see Figure 7 for a more detailed timing explanation. In Fig7, you can see the lower boundary, window frame, and upper boundary. To prevent reset, WDI must pulse inside the lower and upper boundaries (in the middle window frame).

    A2. You are correct. The WDI terminal is connected to a rising edge detector. The text is wrong. I have ordered some EVMs to double check this but I believe the WDI can only detect the rising edge. This is how it is explained in the automotive version (TPS3813-Q1) as well.

    If my testing finds that both edges are detected, I will let you know. Thanks!


  • Hi Michael,

    Thank you very much for your reply and double check by EVM.
    Could you please tell me the result of double check when you get it?
    The result would be very helpful for the customer.

    Thank you again and best regards,
    Kazuya Nakai.
  • Kazuya,

    Expect results within a day or two.


  • Kazuya,

    The results show that TPS3813 WDI is rising edge detection only. Only a low-to-high transition is detected on WDI. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Please click “This resolved my issue” button if the answer provided resolved your issue.


  • Hi Michael,

    Thank you very much for the information. It is helpful for the customer and us.

    I hope that your team modifies the sentence "The TPS3813xxx family of devices have a watchdog timer that must be periodically triggered by either a positive or negative transition at the WDI pin to avoid a reset signal being issued." in the device datasheet at least.

    Thank you very much again and best regards,
    Kazuya Nakai.