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UCD90160: Verify sequence-on dependencies must 'AND', turn-on delay functionality

Part Number: UCD90160


Two questions on UCD90160:

1. If Rail 1 has multiple sequence-on dependencies (let's say Rail 2 and GPI1), and GPI1 is briefly asserted but goes away, will Rail 1 turn on when Rail 2 reaches PGOOD? Or will the UCD wait until both Rail 2 reaches PGOOD and GPI1 is asserted?

Page 89 of the Command Reference looks like both conditions must be simultaneously met (AND), but I wanted to verify:

The turn on condition for each page can depend on the state of several other pages and/or input pins. The same pages and pins also may be used to control multiple pages. The GPI and Page dependencies (Sequence On Dependencies) define a set of conditions which allow a page to turn on when met. Note
that the logical AND of all conditions must be met before a page can be turned on. Once the page is on, these dependencies have no further effect on the operating status of the page. Specifically, they do not cause a page to turn off.


2. Different example / question - if Rail 3 is monitor-only (no mapped EN pin), does turn-on delay have any effect (such as adding a delay from when Rail 3 is interpreted as PGOOD)?

My understanding is that it won't do anything, because TON_DELAY is the delay period from the dependencies being met to the rail EN being asserted, which would not apply in this case.



  • Hi Jonathan
    Please see my answers below.
    1. it is AND condtion, which means both conditions must be met.
    2. Most time the delay does not introduce difference, but there could be a difference on the UV fault. if the rail 3 reaches POWER_GOOD and drop below UV threshold before delay is expired, device may not report the UV fault. The UV fault is reported only if the rail is at the regulated state(1. reach POWER_GOOD, 2. turn on delay is expired)
  • Hi Yihe,

    Thanks for the quick reply. To make sure I fully understand the 2nd case:

    Let's say rail 3 has TON_DELAY of 500 ms. Rail 3's sequence-on dependencies are met, starting the TON_DELAY period. At t = 100 ms, rail 3 drops below UV fault threshold. 400 ms later, TON_DELAY is complete, but rail 3 is still below UV fault.

    From your description, Rail 3 is not reported as UV fault at t = 500 ms, correct?

    Instead, Rail 3 will be in the TON_MAX state at t = 500 ms. If TON_MAX is defined, and rail 3 stays under UV fault threshold for longer than TON_MAX, the a fault would be recorded. If TON_MAX is not defined, then the turn on sequence would wait indefinitely if there are any other rails / actions that require Rail 3 to be at PGOOD.

    Let me know if there are any issues with my interpretation.


  • hi Jonathan

    Your are all correct.



  • Great, thanks for the confirmation!
