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BQ51013B: EN1&EN2 vs TS/CTRL pin to send ETC.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ51013B, BQ51003


i see that to end properly the wireless charging process, the ETC paquet is send.

it seems that they are two way to drive this behaviour on BQ51013B or BQ51003 .

 Put EN1/EN2 to 10 or 11.

Use CTRL pin.

What is the bettre method ?

DOes i need to connect my CPU to EN1 or CTRL or both ?

  • Fabien,

    The transmitter will respond differently to the different termination packets.  Table 4 (End Power Transfer Packet) shows which EPT value will be sent for each condition.  For example, if the TS/CTRL pin is pulled low then an EPT 0x03 indicating over temperature will be sent.  The TX will terminate power transfer for approximately 5 minutes (depending on the transmitter) and will retry power transfer at that point.  The other methods depend on the TX response.

    If you are simply charging a battery, then EN1/EN2 of 11 may be the best method.  In this case your CPU can be tied to either EN1 or EN2 or both, depending on you configuration requirements.  In most cases the default EN1/EN2 is 00 so having both tied to the CPU may be the better solution.

