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BQ51050B: BQ51050B/TIDA--00329

Part Number: BQ51050B

We use TI Ref. design TIDA-00329 with BQ51050B, same BOM, same PCB.  Any requirements for the RX coil? How to choose/design?

We need a very small RX coil, should be 1cm diameter, charging current 20mA should be enough. 

Any chance? or any recommendations?



  • Hi Steven
    I do not recommend RX coils below 20mm in diameter, we have seen problems with starting and communications. The coupling factor (k) gets smaller with the ratio of TX to RX coil and distance. Small coil (10mm) have this problem and will have performance problems.

    Also recommend adding back in the Series Resonant capacitors (Cs) between coil and AC1.