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What is test set-up that was performed on CC1125 at TI to meet EN300-113 as stated from data sheet?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1125


                 I've been looking for an IC transceiver that meets ETSI EN300-113 and I found CC1125 is potential part for my design. Section 4.6 from Data sheet CC1125 states that it meets  this standard over 410MHz-480MHz and 164MHz-192MHZ bands. Can someone from TI provide information about test set-up and test condition of CC1125 over the bands above? Modulation scheme = ?, Baud rate = ?, Frequency deviation = ?, Channel separation = ? TX output power =?  TCXO frequency =? I will definitely replicate a test in my Lab, I am purchasing the Evaluation kits to confirm if this IC full-fill my application.

                My application: 2 GFSK or 4GFSK, Bit rate = 4.8Kbps, Frequency deviation = 2.4KHz, Channel spacing = 12.5KHz, TCXO = 40MHz for phase noise performance.

                I'll use an external PA to boost maxmum output power of modulated carrier coming out from CC1125 from +16dBm to +33dBm, and I wonder if Linearity effect of external Power Amplifier will degraded ACPR (60dBc) required by EN300-113 if CC1125 operates under 2GFSK or 4GFSK? Please comment. I deal with QPSK in the pass and linearity of PA is important to be considered to maintain good ACPR.

