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TSW38j84 SPI interface on FMC connector

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TRF3722


I'm using a TSW38j84 board and have to program the devices using the FMC (JESD) connector. Unfortunately I didn't find a SPI interface to the TRF3722 device in the schematic (Rev B April 03,2014).

There are now two options:

I have an old, erronous schematic downloaded from TI Homepage or

it is indeed impossible to program all devices via FMC

Who can help solving this problem. Thanks in advance.

  • Mast:

    You are correct. There is no provision to program TRF3722 through the FMC connector on that reference design.  Programming is intended to go through USB interface.  Conceivably, the SPI lines from the TRF3722 can be "blue-wired" to open pins on the FMC connector if this communication path is required.
