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LDC1614 red LED indicator at startup

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LDC1614EVM, LDC1614

Hello all,

I am trying to connect to LDC1614EVM evaluation board having installed the  Sensing Solutions EVM GUI but the red LED is always switched on. 

I know that when I connect the device through USB to PC it starts an autocalibration procedure and during this period green and red LED lights are blinking. In my case for some milliseconds the green and red LEDs are switched on and then the green turns off leaving the red always switched on.

The device is new. What is the meaning of the red indicator? I am looking at the manual "LDC131x and LDC161x EVM Rev B User’s Guide" but I can't find any note for the red indicator.

Could you please give me a hint?

  • Hello Konstantinos,

    Typically the red LED signifies the sensor is disconnected from the EVM or that a different sensor is attached. Have you changed the sensors connected to the EVM? Also does the EVM connect with the GUI still?

  • Hello Blair,

    Thanks for the quick reply. I didn't make any change on the evaboard. 

    Additionally, the GUI never connected to the device. 

    I checked the 3.3V lines on both microcontroller and LDC1614 and they are ok.

    The GUI tries to connect and some times it flashes green connection for less than a second and then goes to red no connection. During that time on the evaboard the red led is always on and no green led flashes. So, I suppose that the GUI tries regularly to connect with the sensor and when it does so, it sets green indication until it realizes that there is no connection at all and then goes back to red indication.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Konstantinos,

    Which GUI are you using? Also, please open the Windows Device Manager and let me know if you see the EVM listed in the COM ports section. Doe either LED on the EVM ever flash at all when it is plugged in or is it stable?

    Best regards,


  • Hello Blair,

    I am using v1.8.8.

    I realized that there are two problems in my case.

    The first problem is resolved. The software can connect to the device if I run it as administrator. In this PC I am only a user. I installed the software on my personal PC and I connected without problems.

    The second weird problem is the red indicator. I own two LDC1614EVM devices. The second device works properly with a green indicator on the ECU. So, I downloaded the register configuration file and uploaded it to the 'faulty' device. After that, the device provides measurements correctly. Still the I get the red indicator and when I unplug the device from my PC and plug it again the values of the registers are turn back to the defaults and I have to upload the file again in order to make it work properly.

    I attach two register files. The working one is coming from the device that works properly. The other one from the device we are trying to fix.

    Do you have any idea why the device doesn't keep the flashed register values? Additionally why I get the red indicator even though I never changed the sensor and I am right now able to connect with the device?

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Konstantinos,

    On the PC that you need to run the GUI as an admin, did you install it in the default directory or did you change where the software installed?

    For the second problem, I wonder if the firmware was corrupted or the wrong one was somehow installed. Are both boards you have identical or do you have different revisions of the EVM? The sensors are different on each revision so if for some reason Rev. A firmware is installed on a Rev. B board the sensor would not have the "correct" value.

    Based on the image you posted of your EVM you have a Rev B board and the Sensing Solutions GUI has the correct firmware included with it "C:\ti\Sensing Solutions EVM GUI-1.8.8\EVM Firmware\FDC2x14_LDC13xxRevB_LDC16xxRevB_EVM_Firmware.txt". Try uploading this firmware to the problem EVM and see if it resolves the problem.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Blair,

    I wish you a Happy New Year with health and prosperity.

    The problem with the evaboard is solved with the firmware update solution that you posted. Now I get a green led all the time!

    Regarding the installation folder of the GUI. Yes, at the beginning it was installed in another location by the Admin. After, uninstalling and installing again this time in the default location I still have the same trouble with disconnections. This is not a bottleneck at the moment though. 

    The most important problem is solved

    Thank you so much!! 

    Best Regards


  • I have changed the sensor of LDC1614EVM by another sensor of coilEVM, and the red led is ON all time.
    is this correct?
    How I can change it to green?
  • Hello Javier,

    So long as the GUI connects to the EVM and can stream data do not worry about the red LED. It just shows that the sensor that came with the EVM is not connected.

    Best regards,
