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LDC2114: Force Baseline Tracking Pause

Part Number: LDC2114


is it anyhow possible to force a baseline tracking pause?

For exapmle, when I want to interpret an user's touch below 160 via reading out the DataN registers,

 output registers won't be set and so the baseline tracking isn't paused, although user is touching the button.

  • Is there a possibility to force a baseline tracking pause?



  • Hi Clemens,

    Yes you can use the BTPAUSE bits (BITS: 7:4 register 0x16). This will pause the baseline tracking when during the button on duration ( DATAn > Switching Threshold). You can find more information on this on pages 20-21 in the datasheet.


    Varn Khanna

  • Hi, Varn Khanna,

    I'm doing test on the LDC2114EVM.

    when the conductive target is on the sensor, it will act as normal: that channel is active.

    but if I keep the target on the sensor for a few seconds, the board will turn that sensors' status to off. 

    I need to remove and then put back to trigger the sensor.

    for some application, for example , the water meter, the target can be stay a position for some very long time. so we need to keep the active status correctly.

    is baseline tracking pause can solve this issue?

    anyway, in the Sensing Solutions EVM GUI program, in the register setting page, the MSB 4bits is in grey color, we can't toggle it in that page to do the test.

    is there any other way to change the setting using the EVM GUI program?



  • Hi Shaowei,

    Yes. You can use the base line tracking pause feature for the application you mentioned. We will be releasing a new GUI soon with the MSB bits exposed to enable the feature.



  • Hi Shaowei,

    The new version of the GUI with the fix is now available. You can download it here: 



  • Hi, Varn,

    Thank you for the updates.

    we download the GUI V1.92 and do the test.

    in the GUI registers tab, now the MSB 4bits shows as normal, we can click it to toggle it.

    but seems it makes no sense of the actual setting,

    when I double click it, it toggled, and the bottom status shows: Wrote registers: MAXWIN

    but when I click "Auto Read" to refresh the register setting, it backs to 0;

    maybe I did it wrongly, can you help to point it out?

    also , today, during the test, we found, if we just left the target on the sensor :  

    first it will on as normal; 

    after some seconds (>10s), it will auto change it status to off;

    then i remove the target, and move again close to the sensor: it will not sense the target, or the sensing range is very very close, why?

    the other sensor without target sitting will still operate as normal.

    I need to power off the EVM board, then power on it again to recover the normal operation.

    is this normal operation?



  • Hi Shaowei,

    You have to set CONFIG_MODE (Register RESET, Address 0x0A) bit = 1 to start the register write session, after which all the I2C writes are valid. After all teh changes have been made  set CONFIG_MODE (Register RESET, Address 0x0A) bit = 0 to terminate the register write session.

    But you don't have to do this manually. I updated the GUI so you can go to the configuration page, go into Configure Device reset mode and include the specific channel in Base Line Tracking Pause Group, see below:

    Let me know if this doesn't resolve the issue.



  • Dear Varn,

    thank you. 

    yes, it do help on this matter.

    thank you again. we'll do more test on the EVM board.

