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Signal processing for Multi-Mode FMCW Radar

For multi-mode FMCW radar ,for example, the fast chirps consists of three sub-frame of fast chirps, each sub-frame has different frequency slopes, how to deal with signal processing?  Can TI provides some code examples or papers for reference?

Thanks a lot.

  • Hi Tianxi,

    We don't currently have 'example code' for multi-subframe processing. However, it shouldn't be very different from the single frame processing that the SDK supports. Each subframe, can be processed seperately (i.e. do 1D-FFT, 2D-FFT, angle estimation, etc) and objects extracted from each. Then, a tracking algorithm can fuse information from these three subframes (one after another).

    Are you looking for information on how to do '1D, 2D FFT, detection, angle estimation, etc, 'or are you looking for information on fusing information from multiple subframes (i.e. Kalman filtering, clustering etc) ?

  • As you mentioned above, the key point is how to fuse results of multi-mode fast chirps.

    For fast chirp modulation, the biggest problem is how to cope with doppler ambiguity. Conventionly, multi-mode fast chirps(or variable slope fast chirps) is used to solve doppler ambiguity

    what I want to know is how to address with doppler ambiguity problem in multi-mode fast chirp.

  • Hi Tianxi,

    We are working on examples and TI demos that demonstrate doppler ambiguity resolution, and we will release these examples soon.
