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AWR1443BOOST: How to set the gain for EVM

Part Number: AWR1443BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1443


I have questions regarding AWR1443 EVM setting.

My customer uses the EVM. They don't still set the gain of EVM for DMS. What is the default value of the gain? Also how does customer change its gain setting?

Please let me know.

I appreciate your quick reply.

Best regards,


  • Hello ,

    I've asked AWR team member to look at this for you. Someone should have an answer for you sometime this week.

  • Hello Michi,
    By "gain of the EVM" are you referring to the receiver gain ? If you are running the mmw demo application the "profileCfg" command in the configuration file has a the last parameter setting as RX gain.
    For example in the following configuration the gain is 30dB -> profileCfg 0 77 7 7 58 0 0 68 1 256 5500 0 0 30

  • Dear Viverk-san,
    Thank you for your reply.

    Please let me know more detail regarding your answer.
    You said, "profileCfg" command in the configuration file has a the last parameter setting as RX gain."
    I don't know the name of its configuration file having "profileCf" command. Please let me know it.

    Also, if demo is Vital Sign, is this same way to change RX gain?

    I appreciate your quick reply.

    Best regards,
  • Dear Viverk-san,

    I found the "profileCfg" command in page21 of the "mmwave_sdk_user_guide".
    Customer shoud send this "profileCfg" command to AWR1443 via com port. For this "profileCfg" command, CLI (Command Line Interface) must be used instaed of mmWave Demo Visualizer.

    Is my understanding right? Please let me know.

    I appreciate your quick reply.

    Best regards,
  • Dear Viverk-san,

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    I have one more question regarding mmw demo setting.

    The default receiver gain setting of mmw demo is done by profile_calibration.cfg file (C:\ti\mmwave_sdk_01_01_00_02\packages\ti\demo\xwr14xx\mmw\profiles\profile_calibration.cfg). And it is 30dB.

    Is my understanding right?

    I appreciate your quick reply.

    Best regards,
  • Hello Michi,
    That is correct, that is the command I was referring to. In case of mmw demo application you can edit the cfg file with the gain setting you need and then click on "load Config from PC and send". You can then point to the cfg file and it would send those commands.
